The name 'Black Out' means 'to get the black out of your gun.' This is the best way to clean rifles with hard to remove barrels. Simply remove the existing nipple. Then put the end of the surgical tubing into your cleaning solution. Wet one of the white cleaning patches and run it up and down the barrel. Continue by changing the patch until clean. Dry and season your barrel with the supplied seasoning patches. You can also use the seasoning patches to clean around the nipple and the stock of the gun.
Posted by V on 15th Mar 2022
I use this when I'm in the field for a quick cleaning and do not want to tear the gun down. Just follow the directions. I like to put the water source higher than the inlet for better suction.
Posted by JOE Reed on 31st Mar 2021
I owned one of these about 10years agoand i lost it.Very easy to use.